Half-Pedaling on Pianos
Perfecting the half-pedal technique takes some practice, as the pedal of your instrument will affect how well you can dose the effect. Maybe you were unaware of this function but used the half-pedal intuitively. To get a feel for it, play successive notes or chords in staccato while slowly depressing the sustain pedal.
Starting at a certain pedal position, the notes are slightly extended until they resonate completely when the pedal is fully depressed. Half-pedaling simulates the slow release of the dampers, with the dampers still resting lightly on the strings, limiting the string vibration. Accordingly, this only lightly extends the decay.
On some digital pianos, you can adjust the “half-pedal point”. This determines at what point in the pedal travel the half-pedal function begins to take effect.
Learn more: What Are Piano Pedals For?